Learn Russian Language with Stories

Audiobooks & Ebooks with Downloadable MP3 & PDF for Russian Language Learning


- 24 chapters with stories
- Over 128 minutes of audio
- 115 pages of PDF materials
- Includes a bonus lesson from the course
"30 Most Popular Russian Sayings and Proverbs"
- Podcasts and videos

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Audiobook & Ebook

“Summer Adventures in a Belarusian Village”

    • Improve your upper-intermediate Russian (B1-B2) skills with this engaging audiobook and e-book.
    • Both audiobook and e-book are downloadable
    • Also get a bonus unit from the course “30 Most Popular Russian Sayings and Proverbs”

“Learn Russian with Comprehensive Stories!”

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Рассказ «Дама с cобачкой» Антона Чехова

    • Boost your intermediate-level Russian (A2-B1) skills with our 40-min audio recording, PDFs, and exercises.
    • Also get a bonus app and explanations for 100 challenging synonyms.

“Master Russian language through audiobooks and e-books!”

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Exercises + Solution - PDF - Упражнения
Vocabulary - PDF Transcription - Audio