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Ungeprüfte Gesamtbewertungen


- 24 chapters with stories
- Over 128 minutes of audio
- 115 pages of PDF materials
- Includes a bonus lesson from the course
"30 Most Popular Russian Sayings and Proverbs"
- Podcasts and videos

No VAT statement, as small business according to §19 (1) UStG.

Ungeprüfte Gesamtbewertungen


Course Materials:

  • 31 video lessons & digital exercises
  • Over 4 hours (255 minutes) of video & audio
  • Over 160 pages of PDFs
  • Detailed explanations for each proverb
  • Dialogues, writing, & role-playing activities
  • Progress tracking with tests & quizzes
  • Completion certificate
  • Free 30-minute Skype/Zoom session with Ina

No VAT statement, as small business according to §19 (1) UStG.